Thursday, August 20, 2009

10 Questions for Ashton Kutcher

Did you know when you joined Twitter how powerful a communication tool it would become? —Jenny Johnson, London
I didn't know anything about it when I joined. I was on Facebook. I was on MySpace. And somebody said to me, You should check out this thing called Twitter. I knew five people that were on it, so I started following those people and seeing what they were doing and then I applied my own sensibility to it. The more that I shared, the more people started following me.

Does Twitter give us too much insight into a person? —Roberta Teer, Commack, N.Y.
If you're tweeting away all day long about mundane things, yes. Ninety percent of what I post on Twitter is not about me at all. For the most part, I'm sharing other people's information. The stuff that I do share are things like when my dog got skunked. I actually just needed to know what to use to get the skunk smell off of the dog. I probably could've Googled it, but I thought it'd be more fun to share it with people because I'm sure that there's more than one solution. And there are many.

Have you ever tweeted about something that got you in trouble with Demi Moore? —Kaylee Clark, Taree, Australia
No, I never have. I have a pretty good radar for what's going to upset my wife. Anything I have a question about, I will ask her. And if she says no, I don't write it. I'm 100% sure that we're not sharing more online than what gets put in the tabloid press.(See pictures of Kutcher's life and career.)

Has a Punk'd victim ever tried to get back at you? —René Leimberg, Mount Laurel, N.J.
I don't know. If they did, they failed.

If you were not acting, which profession would you have gone into? —Jasmine Pal, London
Before I moved away from Iowa, I was studying biochemical engineering. My goal was to be a genetic engineer.

In Spread, there is a scene where you talk about getting bonus points for preparing a meal for your girlfriend. Is there anything you do for Demi to score points? —Tara Matthews, Boardman, Ohio
There are definitely things, but the character in the movie and I have different motivations. More often than not, I just try to do things without keeping score, without expecting something in return or without having an agenda.

Does jealousy arise when you or your wife have to do love scenes, as you do often in Spread?Thiago Sindra, Curitiba, Brazil
It's interesting that people look at sex in that way. If I had a scene in a movie where I had to go shoot someone with a gun, Demi wouldn't think that I was a murderer. So if I have a scene in a movie where I'm having sex with somebody else, Demi doesn't think that I'm in another relationship. You go to work and you play make-believe, and you come home and you live real life. That's part of our jobs.

Do you still have all those trucker hats? —Melissa Hamilton, Moncton, N.B.
Yeah. I've got a giant box of them in storage. I probably have like 500 or 600 hats that people have sent me.

What do you miss about growing up and living in the Midwest? —Julie Jones, Iowa City, Iowa
The biggest thing I miss in Iowa is my mom. She still lives there, and I don't get to see her as often as I'd like. I miss the certain smell in Iowa when it's about to rain. I miss how quiet it is. I miss having neighbors that I know and that I like. The thing I probably miss most of all is that people in Iowa have a different, genuine quality and a self-sufficient humility, a desire to do things for themselves and not complain. I miss being around people that don't complain. I'm in the drama business, and there are a lot of dramatic people that seem to be not very happy with where they are.

Does it bother you to be called Mr. Demi Moore? —Chris Perez, San Antonio
No. Why would it? People have called me much worse.


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